King Jonathans' arbitrary divison of Erehwon has thrown the erstwhile peaceful and prosperous Kingdom into chaos. The constituting of a new map, creating regions that had never existed before, governed by inexperienced young women, has most of the population in uproar. This has caused the previously inconsequential rebels to gain traction. Across the borders, the neighbouring Kingdoms' seek to take advantage of Erehwon's new found instability and the naivete of the Princesses to help themselves to Erehwon's plentiful resources, daring the Princesses' to respond. The Princesses' are faced with an almost impossible task: govern their regions and shore up support while fighting the internal threats from the rebels and the external threats from encroaching neighbours. The Princess who navigates these minefields the best, will win the biggest battle of all- she will beat out all her sisters, and become Queen.