First Born, Tenacious and Insecure. Amara's whole life has been defined by the fact that she is the Heir to the Kingdom and she will fight tooth and nail against anything that threatens her birth right. Her supporters are the traditionalists who believe in the natural order of things. She is the oldest daughter so she should be Queen. Her supporters adopt her colours and her jewel, Sapphire as a symbol.
Brilliant, Beautiful and a Visionary. Abigail is obsessed by technology and how she can use it to modernise the Kingdom of Erehwon. Her sweet exterior however hides a steely resolve and an inability to forgive a slight. Her supporters are the idealists and the innovators who seek a modernisation of the Kingdom through technology. They adopt her colours and her jewel Ruby, as a symbol.
Popular, Charismatic and Ruthless. Aaliyah is a natural leader and an effortless orator. As the first born child of Queen Zara, she radiates confidence and inspires devotion. She is relentless in her pursuit of the Crown and is prepared to sacrifice everything and everyone to achieve her goal. Her supporters are fervent and passionate, caught up in her natural charisma and refer to her as the 'True First Born'. They adopt her colours and her jewel Emerald as a symbol.
Teenager, Impulsive and Naive. Akosua lacks consequential thinking which causes her to make rash decisions that lead to dangerous outcomes. She capitalises on her youth and makes that the centerpiece of her agenda. Her supporters are the youth of the Kingdom who are excited to see someone their age in a position to advance the issues that matter to them. They adopt her colours and her jewel Amethyst as their symbol.
Pre-Teen, Precocious and Spoilt.
Amelie is an attention seeker and too young to rule her region. Therefore Queen Zara has to act as Regent on her behalf.
She is very resentful of this, but has no choice, as no one takes her or her ideas seriously.
Any supporters she has are the Queen's loyalists who feel aggrieved that Zara has been deprived of power.
As such Zara and Amelie are locked in a symbiotic relationship that they both hate.
Amelie's jewel is Morganite and her mothers' is a Diamond.
Her supporters have adopted a pink diamond as their symbol, to show their divided loyalties.